Solidarity Distributors
If you have a large, medium or small business, whatever the size, and you want to help us sell Baby Pelones, this is the place. At Juegaterapia we will use the profits from their sale to improve the lives of children suffering from cancer through play and the humanisation of the hospital environment.
Are you a Pharmacy?
There are already more than 300 pharmacies that collaborate with us, in addition to spreading health, you help us to spread smiles and a lot of happiness. If you would like to join us, write to farmacias@juegaterapia.org or call us at 915756904 and we will get back to you as soon as possible so that you can help us. Thanks a million.
The Juegaterapia Foundation helps children with cancer through games. It collects video game consoles that people no longer use and distributes them to paediatric oncology rooms in Spanish hospitals so that children can spend their chemo cycles playing and forget about their illness.
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