Research grants
Thanks to the sales of our Baby Pelones we can set up research grants in different hospitals. Together we will find a cure for childhood cancer. Do you want to know which researchers are helping us?
The Juegaterapia Foundation, together with the GEIS group (Sarcoma Research Group), has created the 'Elena Huelva Scholarship'. Its funds, raised thanks to the sales of the Baby Pelón designed by Elena, are destined to research into Ewing's Sarcoma, a disease suffered by the young Sevillian girl. Fundación Juegaterapia has created together with the GEIS group (Grupo de Investigación en Sarcomas).
ELENA HUELVA GRANT The Juegaterapia Foundation has created the 'Elena Huelva Scholarship' together with the GEIS group (Sarcoma Research Group). Its funds, raised thanks to the sales of the Baby Pelón designed by Elena, are destined to research into Ewing's Sarcoma, a disease suffered by the young Sevillian. The Juegaterapia Foundation, together with the GEIS group (Sarcoma Research Group), has created the 'Elena Huelva Scholarship'. Its funds, raised thanks to the sales of the Baby Pelón designed by Elena, are destined to research into Ewing's Sarcoma, a disease suffered by the young Sevillian girl. he Juegaterapia Foundation has created the 'Elena Huelva Scholarship' together with the GEIS group (Sarcoma Research Group). Its funds, raised thanks to the sales of the Baby Pelón designed by Elena, are destined to research into Ewing's Sarcoma, a disease suffered by the young Sevillian girl.

The Juegaterapia Foundation has created the 'Elena Huelva Scholarship' together with the GEIS group (Sarcoma Research Group). Its funds, raised thanks to the sales of the Baby Pelón designed by Elena, are destined to research into Ewing's Sarcoma, a disease suffered by the young Sevillian girl.
The Juegaterapia Foundation has created the 'Elena Huelva Scholarship' together with the GEIS group (Sarcoma Research Group). Its funds, raised thanks to the sales of the Baby Pelón designed by Elena, are destined to research into Ewing's Sarcoma, a disease suffered by the young Sevillian girl.
Project Suitcases of
At the Juegaterapia Foundation we want to "pack up" young scientists who have had to look for work abroad and help them return to Spain to continue their work in cancer research. We currently have a grant of €108,000 awarded to the Niño Jesús Hospital in Madrid to create the first Oncogenomics Research Unit in Spain.
In addition to making progress in the fight against childhood cancer, it is very important for us to facilitate the return home of these young researchers to reduce the talent drain and to enable them to develop their work here. In those suitcases they will bring all their wisdom and a great desire to contribute to making research in our country a field of work with great possibilities for the future.
During these years, several researchers have already worked on research with the "Research Suitcases" grants.

Cristina Saiz Ladera
Elisa Izquierdo
Scientist specialising in children's oncology
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cnio grants
The aid will go to the solidarity initiative 'CNIO Friends', which aims to raise funds to support cancer research at the CNIO.
cnio 2016
alejandro sanz
Taking advantage of the benefits we have obtained from the sales of our #BabyPelonesJT, we have
sales of our #BabyPelonesJT, we have come to an agreement with the Cnio - Centro Nacional
Investigaciones Oncologicas to finance a grant that will develop research projects for the
research projects
in paediatric tumours. The contribution will be 100.000€ and its duration, 2 years.
The official ceremony was attended by our ambassador Alejandro Sanz, on behalf of so many and so
so many
collaborators, celebrities, actors, sportsmen and women and great friends who have helped us to turn the Baby Pelones
Baby Pelones into a symbol of the fight against cancer.

Buy the coolest solidarity gifts in our shop
You will not only find Baby Pelones, but also fun calendars, backpacks and lots of other gifts...
We want to turn hospitals into magical places that bring joy to children and become the best of their medicine.

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