What is our work?

The Juegaterapia Foundation was born in the spring of 2010. Mónica Esteban, its founder, gave a Play Station to a child who was receiving chemotherapy treatment in hospital and immediately saw how the little boy cheered up and faced his illness with a smile on his face. Since then, every day we receive consoles, tablets and video games from companies and individuals and we donate them to the paediatric areas of different hospitals. Each device carries a label with the donor's details so that the child who receives it can send a message with a huge thank you! We have great helpers and partners that make our life much easier, such as ENVIALIA, which offers us the possibility of bringing consoles and games from anywhere in Spain to our warehouse, free of charge. At Juegaterapia we know that the rooftops of hospitals, those grey and unused spaces, can become beautiful places to play. That is why we have built a garden on the roof of the Hospital La Paz, another one on the Hospital 12 de Octubre, a third one on the Hospital La Fe in Valencia, a fourth one on the Hospital Gregorio Marañón in Madrid and we are raising funds to build a fifth one on the Hospital Materno Infantil in Málaga. Then we will go up to another rooftop. And another. Until all the children in the hospital can play, in front of a screen or under the sun's rays.
Since we started visiting hospitals and donating consoles, we have seen the benefits of play for hospitalised children on a daily basis. Being away from home, away from their loved ones and in unfamiliar surroundings, the hospital experience is often intimidating.
At that moment, video games, the tablet and the possibility of enjoying a garden inside the hospi, of having a positive environment rich in stimuli, become a fundamental means to connect them with the world and make them forget where they are, at least for the time the game lasts.
We are currently raising money for different initiatives for various projects - any help is welcome and the rewards are huge!
official documents
At the Juegaterapia Foundation we are members of the Spanish Association of Foundations.

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