Become a member
By becoming a member of the Juegaterapéutica Family you can feel proud of all the help we provide, all the projects we undertake and all the smiles we awaken. Because it will all have been thanks to you. Cinemas, gardens, Kicicles, consoles and games, tablets, rooms that are spaceships, rooms that change pain for colour... Every day we have more ways for your help to reach you! Are you up for it? We are waiting for you! You choose the monthly fee and together we will make a lot of dreams come true.

Already a member? we help you
If you need:
Manage all your data
Modify your membership account
Write to Mercedes, our membership officer, to her email account mcavanilles@juegaterapia.org
do you need to download your donation certificate? we help you
You can deduct your donations, if you have been a member of Juegaterapia during the previous year or if you have made a one-off donation, by downloading your donation certificate so that you can present it with your tax return.
Download your income certificate. Fill in the information requested below:
Buy the coolest solidarity gifts in our shop
You will not only find Baby Pelones, but also fun calendars, backpacks and lots of other gifts...
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We want to turn hospitals into magical places that bring joy to children and become the best of their medicine.

Become a Member

Our members are our mainstay, our greatest support. You make Juegaterapia great!
I want to become a member