Help us in the fight against childhood cancer
Collaborating with our Foundation is very easy. Here you have all the ways to do it. You can feel proud of all the help we provide, all the projects we undertake and all the smiles we awaken. Because it will have been thanks to you. Cinemas, gardens, kiddie rides, consoles and games, tablets, rooms that are spaceships, rooms that change pain by colour... Every day we have more and more ways for your help to reach you! Are you up for it? We are waiting for you!
Make A Donation
If you would like to help us by making a one-off donation to our Foundation, you are in the right place. No matter how big your donation is, every little bit counts. Many little ones together can make a giant whole. We will allocate your help to the different projects we have underway: Gardens, Lunar Stations, Cinemas... there is a lot to choose from! If you like the experience, and you decide to help us with a minimum monthly fee, we will be delighted to have you as a member.
Find out how

If you would like to help us by making a one-off donation to our Foundation, you are in the right place. No matter how big your donation is, every little bit counts. Many little ones together can make a giant whole. We will allocate your help to the different projects we have underway: Gardens, Lunar Stations, Cinemas... there is a lot to choose from! If you like the experience, and you decide to help us with a minimum monthly fee, we will be delighted to have you as a member.
Donate Your Console
If you want to donate your tablet, console or video game, follow these simple steps and we will take care of getting it to a child. We will be waiting for them with open arms!
Find out how

If you want to donate your tablet, console or video game, follow these simple steps and we will take care of getting it to a child. We will be waiting for them with open arms!
Become a Member
It's very easy: just one click, the minimum monthly fee of your choice, and you are already part of the Juegaterapéutica Family!
Become a memberAnd if you are already a member and you need your donation certificate for your tax return, click here. hereDownload your donation certificate.

It's very easy: just one click, the minimum monthly fee of your choice, and you are already part of the Juegaterapéutica Family!
Become a Volunteer
We present you all our support and volunteering groups - take a look and choose the one you like best!
Find out how

We present you all our support and volunteering groups - take a look and choose the one you like best!
Solidarity Companies
Many supportive companies help us by making donations for the construction of our wonderful projects, by designing special products for us and donating their profits to our Foundation or by creating special fundraising events. Would you like to be one of them?
Find out how

Many supportive companies help us by making donations for the construction of our wonderful projects, by designing special products for us and donating their profits to our Foundation or by creating special fundraising events. Would you like to be one of them?
Solidarity Cabbages
Nothing pleases us more than the actions we implement with schools, because nothing represents the future so strongly. Children who will be adults tomorrow learn from their teachers the immense value of solidarity.
Find out how

Nothing pleases us more than the actions we implement with schools, because nothing represents the future so strongly. Children who will be adults tomorrow learn from their teachers the immense value of solidarity.
Solidarity Will
Do you know what a Solidarity Will is? It is the possibility of including in your will one or more NGOs and Foundations, so that they can invest your inheritance in solidarity projects. You can bequeath a part of your estate or a specific asset, in this case it is a "bequest". The donation can be of any amount you wish and in no case will it be detrimental to your legitimate heirs. Find out more here.
Find out how

Do you know what a Solidarity Will is? It is the possibility of including in your will one or more NGOs and Foundations, so that they can invest your inheritance in solidarity projects. You can bequeath a part of your estate or a specific asset, in this case it is a "bequest". The donation can be of any amount you wish and in no case will it be detrimental to your legitimate heirs. Find out more here.
Solidarity Distributors
One of our objectives is that the Baby Pelones reach every corner of the world and this is possible thanks to the solidarity shops and friends who help us to sell them and to spread all their love and solidarity around the planet.
Find out how

One of our objectives is that the Baby Pelones reach every corner of the world and this is possible thanks to the solidarity shops and friends who help us to sell them and to spread all their love and solidarity around the planet.
Give a Pelones Jugones Kit as a gift to a hospitalised child.
Give a Pelones Jugones Kit as a gift to a hospitalised child.
Our Pelones Jugones Kits are full of desire to win. We give hospitalised children a tablet or a console to make their stay in hospital as fun as possible. Help us to make them happy!
Pelones Jugones Kitsjuegaterapia in your mail
Subscribe to our newsletter and we'll tell you about new developments, projects and exciting news.

We want to turn hospitals into magical places that bring joy to children and become the best of their medicine.

Become a Member

Our members are our mainstay, our greatest support. You make Juegaterapia great!
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