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Lunar Seasons

The Lunar Station project is a fitness initiative. Being isolated in a hospital room is not cool. You get bored and the hours go by very slowly. To prevent the kids' spirits from dropping, we transformed the isolation rooms of the Paediatric Onco-Hematology Unit into Moon Stations so that every day becomes a fun trip to the stars.

The project consists of the complete renovation of the Unit's rooms and the refurbishment of the corridors. The chosen theme is space, and all the elements of the project refer to it in a more literal or more evocative way. Here the children become astronauts, and isolation is part of a very special mission; their recovery.

The project consists of the complete renovation of the Unit's rooms and the refurbishment of the corridors. The chosen theme is space, and all the elements of the project refer to it in a more literal or more evocative way. Here the children become astronauts, and isolation is part of a very special mission; their recovery.

Constructed Stations


We want to turn hospitals into magical places that bring joy to children and become the best of their medicine.

Why do we humanise?

Did you know that a child who is sick with cancer but emotionally strong can be cured sooner?

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You will not only find Baby Pelones, but also fun calendars, backpacks and lots of other gifts...

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